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UNDP Climate
How families in the Ahuachapán region of El Salvador are implementing climate-resilient and econo...
November 29th, 2023
In the Balkans, reducing flood risks and cleaning up the Sateska River supports climate resilient...
April 21st, 2021
Alternative livelihoods are helping women in Ghana to become agents of change and build climate r...
February 23rd, 2021
UNDP is re-imagining urban resilience to protect our people and our planet from climate change an...
October 21st, 2020
À Cuba, la préservation et la restauration des habitats naturels protège les communautés côtières
July 13th, 2020
En Cuba, la adaptación basada en el ecosistema es una forma rentable de preservar y restaurar los...
July 13th, 2020
In Cuba, ecosystem-based adaptation is a cost-effective way to preserve and restore natural habit...
July 13th, 2020
En la Zona Seca de Myanmar, la acción climática mejora la seguridad del agua y de los alimentos
April 3rd, 2019