Adapting to climate change through drought-resistant agriculture in Cambodia
Longer dry seasons & lower than average/erratic rainfall are feeding drought conditions in Cambodia. The impacts are serious for subsistence farmers, whose livelihoods and food security depend on consistent rainfall.
In 2004, 480,000+ ha. crops were destroyed due to drought; in 2018, drought affected 52,000+ people and 96,929 ha. Such events can be exacerbated by the El Niño Southern Oscillation.
With support from GEF–LDCF, UNDP has joined with DanChurchAid to reduce the impact of drought. The work is part of an Early Warning Systems project, which is reducing the impact of disasters by enhancing forecasting capacity and technology, and preparedness at all levels.
Under the partnership, provincial Drought Infohubs have been established, supporting monitoring and response. Province-specific drought trigger points and a national drought manual have also been developed.
Another activity has been drought-resistant agriculture training for farmers. Click the photos to read more.