2021 in review: African nations step up the climate fight
Last year was one of the warmest on record for the African continent.
Climate-driven disasters are on the rise. In 2020, deadly floods triggered by heavy rainfall swept the Sahel, the Nile and Congo basins, while drought hit northwest Africa. The science shows more is to come.
Through the Climate Promise, UNDP is supporting 44 African countries – including 6 small island developing states, 27 Least Developed Countries and 31 in fragile settings – to revise their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).
African countries are delivering. Most NDCs are more ambitious than the first, raising mitigation targets and including new sectors and gases. Almost all highlight an unconditional target, to be implemented with domestic resources, and a conditional target contingent on international support.
Many have established strong links to green recovery. All have stepped up adaptation and include gender-responsive measures and plans.
Click on the photos to read some of the highlights.